Amazon killed the protagonist of the TV series "Space"

Released on screens 5th season of the TV series "Space" greatly puzzled fans of the James Corey saga. In the 10th episode of the season, Alex Kamal died from a heart attack, saving Naomi Nagata with "Bobby's baby". One could agree with this if one did not know in advance the plot of reading books. In fact, Amazon killed the protagonist of the TV series Space.

Why Alex Kamal died


It turns out that everything is much simpler - the actor Kas Anwar (Alex Kamal) has become a victim of social networks. A woman wrote a statement to the police that the actor harassed her through the social network Twitter. Amazon's management, instead of looking into the situation, simply decided to fire the actor. And so that it does not interfere with the series, deviating from the book plot, Alex Kamal was simply eliminated. It looks crazy, because there were many other ways:

  • Presumption of innocence. It was possible to defend the honor of the actor in front of the public. You never know what they write on social networks.
  • Replace actor on set. Find a person who looks like Kas Anwar.


Space Season 6 Issue


As conceived by the author (of the book cycle), three pairs were created on the Rosinant ship at once:


  • James Holden and Naomi Nagata.
  • Amos Burton and Clarissa Mao.
  • Alex Kamal and Roberta Draper.

Everything is going just fine. And it is very interesting for the reader and the viewer. After all, thanks to this, on Rocinante you can follow not only the developments in the world. And also for the development of relations between the main characters. And this is very interesting. The Ashes of Babylon closely resembles the first novel of the book, The Leviathan Awakening. By the way, Amazon is most likely because of this and agreed to shoot it. Because there is one policy in the book. It revolves around the SVP (Marco Inaros).

By the way, Amazon also killed Fred Jones. Although according to the plot of the book, he was badly wounded. But this is a small loss, since in the 6th book he will still be killed. But the fact itself. It's not even interesting now to watch the series, which from the 1st to the 4th seasons attracted the viewer to the screen and did not let them come off for a second. It is very, very unfortunate that Amazon is so rude.