AntMiner A3 Siacoin: start of SIA mining

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AntMiner A3 Siacoin: start of SIA mining

AntPool, one of the largest cryptocurrency mining pools, has announced the launch of the Siacoin (SIA) coin mining, working on the Blake2b consensus algorithm. The project was created by a Boston startup to support its decentralized cloud storage system.

The mining of the new cryptocurrency was launched on the same day as the ASIC miner AntMiner A3 Siacoin, which is tailored to the required Blake 2b algorithm. Interestingly, the first batch of Asiks was sold out in 2 hours. However, experts in the digital currency market explained that the difficulty of mining a new coin at the initial stage is minimal and the extraction of cryptocurrency by SIA ASIC equipment promises owners to bring more income than users of classic video cards with less power.

The 815GH / s hashrate in AntMiner A3, which consists of three 60-based boards, guarantees miners decent performance in cryptocurrency mining. At a power consumption of 1275 W, equipment efficiency 1,56 MX / s. Profitability at the start of SIA production was 500 dollars per day. And taking into account the cost of “Asik” 2375 dollars, the new product will pay off in 6 days, taking into account the cost of electricity.

The increase in complexity in calculations and the rise in price of Siacoin coins guarantee that by the beginning of spring, several dollar millionaires will appear in the world who have managed to purchase AntMiner A3 equipment. In the foreseeable future, it is planned to release an ASIC miner for digital currency Decred (DCR) with the Blake 14r algorithm. So, for those who want to make money on cryptocurrency mining, it's time to line up.