Apple officially apologizes for slowing iPhone

The scandal that erupted around the Apple brand forced the company’s leadership to address the media, clarifying the problem of users. The American giant officially apologized to customers and promised not to allow such actions in the future.

Apple officially apologizes for slowing iPhone

Recall that the company GeekBench conducted its own research and found out that the 6 and 7 models of the iPhone, as the battery wears out, work more slowly. At first, Apple was justified by caring for users who are interested in the period of use of the phone without replacing the battery, but the evidence base of fans of the brand No. 1 forced the leadership to change the testimony.

In an official statement, Apple talks about the love of fans and their own reputation, not mentioning the true reasons for the deterioration of smartphone performance. As a result, users received an 5-page text that did not answer customer questions. Only smartphone owners will enjoy 50-dollar discount on battery replacement, which will be received by iPhone owners in service centers.

According to IT market experts, the slowdown of smartphones is a planned event conducted by the Apple team, implemented through mandatory software updates. Each firmware slowed down the processor and RAM, making the process invisible to the user. Since it is impossible to roll back to the old version of the software, the trick got away with the manufacturer. The reason for the slowdown is financial gain - because the buyer will not need a new smartphone if the phone does not exceed the old model in speed.