Apple removes old apps from the App Store

Apple's unexpected innovation shocked developers. The company decided to remove all applications that have not received updates for a long time. Letters with appropriate warnings were sent to millions of recipients.


Why Apple Removes Old Apps from the App Store


The logic of the industry giant is clear. The old programs were replaced by new ones, more functional and interesting. And for the storage of garbage, free space is required, which they decided to clean. And one could agree with this. But there are thousands of cool and working apps in the App Store that just don't need to be updated. The meaning of their destruction is unknown. Maybe it would be easier to come up with an algorithm for updating programs and games.

The problem with this global purge is that Premium apps and subscriptions will no longer exist for the user. That is, the authors now need to release updates to protect themselves and the consumer. You have 30 days to resolve issues with registration. Fortunately, the real time to perform the necessary operations with applications in the App Store.