What is outsourcing: advantages and disadvantages

Outsourcing is a new type of activity that people in business suits offer from the TV screen, on social networks, or on all kinds of sites on the Internet. They speak beautifully, but it’s difficult to catch the essence. Let's try to explain in an accessible way what outsourcing is, what are its advantages and disadvantages.

Outsourcing (literally translated from English “outsourcing») Is an external service provider. If simpler, outsourcing is helping an individual or legal entity in any way, for a fee.



In comparison with ordinary enterprises that provide all kinds of services, outsourcing companies are fully adapted to the employer. This is an important point, since most firms, having declared from outsourcing, work autonomously, without performing the full range of services agreed in advance.

What is outsourcing: in the examples

The company needs an employee to perform one-time work, for example, conducting a marketing survey, or - acquiring computers with the subsequent configuration of software. To inflate staff does not make sense. After all, you need to enter a vacancy, assign a salary, transfer taxes to the state. It’s easier to attract an outsourcing company. We registered a liability card, signed an agreement and got the expected result.



Thus, in small and medium-sized businesses, lawyers and accountants are attracted. We studied and filled out the documentation, transferred it to the state agency, reported, received payment, and goodbye.

Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing

Saving time and money - any businessman will agree that this is a great motivation for the company. Especially when outsourcing provides professionals who know their job. Given the fact that the employer has the right to independently select the performers, the effectiveness of the task is guaranteed.



The lack of outsourcing is the lack of coordination between the contractor and the employer. If the employer correctly formulates the list of tasks and signs the corresponding agreement, then no problems will arise. Reputable outsourcing companies themselves insist on specifying clear conditions in the contract. Privacy, requirements for candidates, list of works and terms, measures of responsibility and fines.

Having understood what outsourcing is and how it is interesting for business, the entrepreneur will certainly come to the conclusion that the service is attractive. All that remains is to choose a company and negotiate. Examine the standard contract, write down the list of tasks and expect the result.



Business tycoons recommend never to conclude transactions by phone, or with the use of video communications. Only full contact - a real meeting with a business partner. An outsourcing company that does not have an office in the employer's city of residence is fake. When it comes to privacy and money, don’t trust strangers, even if they’re shown on TV in commercials.