Donald Trump sends Americans to the moon again

The world community was surprised by the news coming from the United States, in which the 45 president of America, Donald Trump, decided to send astronauts to the only Earth satellite again. On Monday, December 11, the head of the White House signed a directive authorizing NASA to re-deliver American astronauts to the moon.

Donald Trump sends Americans to the moon again

The president’s statement was the reason for the next proceedings regarding the veracity of the previous expedition, which took place in 1972 year. After all, disputes of 45 years ago have not subsided so far. The Americans insist that they flew to the moon, but in addition to audio recordings and photos with video recordings directly on the surface of astronauts alone, the United States has nothing. Neither launching a rocket from the surface of the Earth, nor fixed by equipment of other countries of flight to an artificial satellite.

Probably, the Americans decided to eliminate the gap in their own history and, braking the Martian program, decided to officially mark on the moon. The experts were interested in the issue of financing the project. Indeed, in the United States, what year is the budget deficit, so it is not clear where the billions of dollars will come from to fulfill the task set by the president.