US Federal Reserve and White House “Watch Bitcoin”

The Yankees are worried about the uncontrolled cryptocurrency market. The Fed said in a statement that digital currencies, in particular Bitcoin, pose risks to financial stability around the world, and not just in the United States. Moreover, Randal Kvarls, deputy director of the country's federal reserve system, made clear in his statement that the lack of a regulator poses a threat to the country.

Fed officials consider digital currency a low-grade product and persuade society to subordinate bitcoin to the banking system or some other organization capable of acting as a regulator. Quarls argues that the lack of a stable exchange rate between cryptocurrency and the dollar will cause a fall in the economy of all countries in the future. On behalf of the Fed, the deputy director promised the Americans to keep track of the rapidly developing unstable currency.

However, Asian experts argue that the Yankees' concern is not caused by the economic collapse that supposedly may occur in the markets of developed countries in the near future, but by the inability to control the popular currency, which can supplant the dollar by depreciating it. Given that the US national security agency and the head of the country became interested in cryptocurrency, the digital currency market is expected to change in the future.