How to choose dog food - types, features

A pet in the family is a joy for all household members. Source of joy, friend, protector, helper. Any dog ​​breeder will agree that life without a pet would not be so bright and eventful. There is only one caveat - proper nutrition for dogs. All pets are ready to eat human food, but not all dogs will benefit from it. Pets need their own diet. And in this article, we will reveal in detail the answer to the question "How to choose dog food."


What dog food can you buy in the store


Dog food is a ready-made mixture of food, dry or wet, made from natural products. The composition can (and should) include vitamin and mineral complexes that promote the proper growth of the animal and support its body in the right tone. There is even such a thing as "balanced" dog food. Here it should be understood that one dosage contains a list of all the useful substances needed by the pet.

All dog food is usually divided into three main groups:


  1. Everyday food. It is produced for healthy pets. Designed to form the daily diet of puppies and adult dogs.
  2. Medical food. It is prescribed by a veterinarian to restore the health of the pet's vital organs. Has a different composition. For example, for the treatment of the liver, kidneys, restoration of cartilage, teeth.
  3. Specialized food. Produced individually for different breeds of dogs. Designed for prevention. For example, to eliminate obesity, intestinal obstruction, diarrhea.

Cheap or expensive food - which is better for a dog


Any store clerk will claim that Premium food is much healthier for pets. And this is understandable. It is important for him to sell a more expensive product. Only such questions are best asked by veterinarians or dog breeders with experience. They may give a completely different answer. There are a lot of products on the market in the budget segment that will compete in quality with more expensive options. It is not the price of dog food that matters, but the content:

  • You should always read the ingredients. Preference is given to the presence of natural meat, rather than soy substitute. After all, chemistry is also present in Premium class feeds. Yes, meat can't be cheap. Plus, fats and substitutes with flavor enhancers. They shouldn't be in the description. Therefore, you will have to take glasses or a magnifying glass, and scrupulously look at what the manufacturer wrote there in small print.
  • A colorful label is not a reason to opt for food. Another mistake of buyers who like to buy sweets by the colorfulness of the candy wrapper. It is better to exclude the appearance of the packaging. Make sure that the terms are normal and the packaging is not damaged. All. The only thing that matters is the content.


To avoid being sued by dog ​​food manufacturers, we will not list brands. But we assure you that there is a lot of low-quality feed in the expensive segment on the market. The companies have made a name for themselves over the decades and are now selling outright "something" that won't benefit a pet. And the budget segment is full of newcomers who are trying to attract a buyer. So they put natural products in the feed and sell the feed with a minimum income for themselves. You need to read the description. If it is not there or it is blurred in small print, look for other food.

Categories of imported dog food - what do they mean


You only need to look at the ad to understand what it is about. Your dog behaves passively - energize him for the whole day with a special diet. Dog food is usually divided into categories according to lifestyle:


  • Produced for dogs leading a moderate lifestyle. For the most part, this food is designed for all healthy pets.
  • Designed for healthy dogs that are active on walks. Suitable for walking dogs.
  • Designed for older dogs that lead a sedentary lifestyle. Suitable for the diet of pets that have slightly gained fat. The food is considered dietary.
  • Designed for very active dogs. In particular, on fighting, sports, hunting. Includes vital amino acids, vitamins and minerals that contribute to the rapid recovery of joints and muscles.
  • An analogue of the Active food, with one addition. The composition includes products of plant origin (or chemical - as the manufacturer wishes), which increase the endurance of pets.