Yandex rules: unmanned food delivery in Moscow

While the directors of science fiction films cannot decide in any way how to deliver food to customers, Yandex has moved on to action. Remember the movie "The Fifth Element", where the main character was delivered food on a flying ship? Believe me, very soon we will be able to do something similar.



Unmanned food delivery in Moscow


It sounds, of course, ridiculous - unmanned food delivery in Moscow. Americans and Europeans imagine Russia with bears roaming the streets. And then an unmanned food delivery in Moscow, and even from some Yandex. The jokes are over. The Russians seized the initiative in the development of IT technologies into their own hands.


While it all looks very damp. An unmanned vehicle the size of a radio car is driven by AI on city roads. There is also a chance to laugh at the creator - the machine does not know how to take curbs. And the coverage is weak. But this scheme is already testing the mechanism of guaranteed food delivery to the customer. Unmanned food delivery in Moscow is the first step. In social networks, the mechanism for delivering orders by air is already seriously discussed.



There is complete confidence that 2021 will be a turning point for Russia. The country, which 5 years ago was considered a relic of the past, in a strange way rose from the ashes. The world's best indicators for production, IT technologies, military equipment and medicine. Even unmanned food delivery is trite, but still Russia is ahead. Like the first artificial satellite, man in space, etc.