Battle Royale Appears in Call of Duty Online

The popular Chinese project Call of Duty: Online pleased its fans with the Battle Roal mode - “Royal Battle”. Everyone is invited to try the battle on the allocated resources. The popular mode has recently gained a new life, so it is not surprising that Tencent has already begun to calculate the revenues that the new product will bring to it.

Recall that the prototype of the user mode of the game "Battle Royale" was the film by the Japanese director Kinji Fukasaku of the same name. Dystopia from the Land of the Rising Sun tells about the battle of careless schoolchildren for survival in the allotted time on a desert island. With a budget of $ 4,5 million, the film has been making a profit for the creators for the second decade and is considered a masterpiece of cinema throughout the world.

In Call of Duty: Online, Battle Royale looks no less interesting. After all, the plot is built in the first person, where the player is invited to experience everything on himself. Judging by the review that got into the network, players are delivered to the abandoned city on special elevators that rise from the bowels of the earth. Unlike the plot of the film, the participants are deprived of backpacks with food and weapons. Therefore, the primary task of the survivor will be the extraction of weapons. Having obtained a pistol or rifle, with the extraction of nishtyakov it will become much easier.

According to the plot of the developers, the game Call of Duty: Online is not aimed at luring fans of the famous Stalker onto the battlefield. The map on which the battles of the participants are planned gradually narrows, driving the players into the arena, where they have to enter the battle and prove their superiority in the “Royal battle”.