Who is Venom - Marvel Comic Book Superhero

Translated from English, the word "venom" means poison. Readers first met the hero in Marvel comics about Spider-Man. Venom is an antihero. Intelligent alien creature, vaguely reminiscent of a stranger from the eponymous series of films. Venom is a symbiont that needs a carrier. Who is Venom sorted out.



As conceived by Marvel comics, the antihero Venom is the greatest threat to humanity. The symbiont is associated with Magneto, the Red Skull, or Doctor Doom. Venom appeared on television for the first time in the movie 3 Spider-Man, filmed in 2007. The antihero created a symbiont with Spider's sworn enemy - Eddie Brock.

Who is Venom - Sony Pictures Studio Film



After the successful adaptation of the Avengers comic strip “The Infinity War”, the film studio decided to release a story about Venom in a separate film. The budget of films is estimated at 140 million dollars. Launched at the box office in the United States and Russia, in early October 2018, the film brought the publisher 600 000 000 dollars. The film studio expects to receive the same amount from Venom rental in China. After all, after the launch of the Avengers, the Chinese became interested in the characters of the Marvel comics.