NVIDIA stops releasing drivers for 32-bit OS

The reaction of users of personal computers and laptops to a statement by NVIDIA is not entirely clear. A few days ago in the green camp, they announced the cessation of driver development for 32-bit operating systems. Fear of losing modern updates blurred the eyes of users, so TeraNews experts will try to clarify.

NVIDIA stops releasing drivers for 32-bit OS

It’s better to start with the fact that for owners of 32-bit platforms the situation will not change. Brand products will not lose performance, only updates in the program code will become unavailable. The performance of the personal computer will not be affected. The fact is that most drivers are available for modern video cards, which are purchased for demanding toys. And the owners of such platforms have long switched to 64-bit OS.

On the other hand, platform security is under attack. The lack of updates will lead to an increase in hacker attacks on personal computers of users working with NVIDIA drivers. Although experts assure the consumer of small risks, the epic with the failure to support Windows XP showed users the flip side of the coin. It is hoped that the developers will track incidents and issue security patches, because on 32-bit platforms with NVIDIA cards, the servers that are the first to be hit by hackers still work.