Project Hazel Razer COVID-19 RGB Masks with Voice Booster

This is really cool! Finally, a worthwhile gadget will appear on the world market, which can become a hit of sales. And, having no competitors in this niche, we can safely say that Project Hazel will bring its creators millions in revenues.


Razer COVID-19 Face Shield with RGB and Voice Booster


The whole point is that pharmaceutical medical masks do not protect from anything at all. This is a fiction that even the International Health Organization (WHO) knows about. But we will not go deep into politics. And let's talk better about the masks themselves that we are forced to wear.


Someone enjoys the benefits of humanity and receives these protective masks for free. Others have to buy them at the store. It is for the latter category of users that the RAZER masks were invented. It is already clear from just one brand name that this is not an ordinary means of protection. And a whole complex aimed at maximum entertainment and satisfaction from use.

It is hardly possible to surprise with RGB backlighting, but the voice amplifier is cool. It is not yet clear how the technology will be implemented, but there is already an opinion that it will be a difficult amplifier. Of course, why not equip your gadget with a voice changer board. It is quite logical - the backlight and the voice of the mask wearer are adjusted. And that's great. It's not a pity to give Razer $ 100 for such a mask.


Protective mask - in accordance with WHO requirements


A nice moment for all future owners of the RAZER Project Hazel gadget is that no lawyer can dig into the mask. Or rather, its effectiveness against the COVID-19 virus. And the thing is that the manufacturer complements the mask with a reusable N95 respirator.


And that is not all


Includes a case for storing the mask. Drum shivers! Case with UV sterilization function. By the way, the gadget is able to charge the mask through the air. There is still a microphone, speakers, lighting - they need autonomous power supply.

All this beautiful kit is complemented by a quality certificate. It indicates the specification for the device and technical characteristics. The trick of this gadget is that, having an entertaining nature, in terms of functionality, it fully complies with all WHO requirements regarding COVID-19. Agree, it's not a pity to give money for such a gadget, no matter how much it costs.