Samsung again coveted other people's income

Apparently, the Korean giant Samsung has run out of business expansion ideas. The company announced the launch of a cloud-based gaming service for smart TVs with Tizen OS. And it would look very attractive if you did not know how such innovations end for a South Korean company.


Samsung is trying to bite off someone else's pie


It's better to start with the fact that the company is good at creating equipment and gadgets that are gaining fans around the world. But as soon as the Samsung brand pokes its nose into other people's innovations, everything immediately collapses before our eyes. Suffice it to recall the Bada project or plagiarism on YotaPhone.

The cloud gaming service will end in a similar failure for the Samsung brand. Since the Korean company will again be let down by greed. All of these ideas that the manufacturer offers are aimed not at user convenience, but at financial gain. And now you can see how within the walls of Samsung they are reluctant to share information on the implementation of the project.


Take it on your own, so as not to fall when walking


It is enough to look only at the smart TVs of the South Korean brand, the performance of which is not enough even for playing movies in 4K. Not to mention the launch of Android toys. Then, like Xiaomi or Sony's chipsets, they can easily play large MKV files. The explanation is simple - Samsung did not want to increase system performance for free. If you want a service, pay for your TV box.

And it will be the same with the gaming cloud service. You will need to buy special gamepads, since the standard ones will definitely not work. You will need some kind of demodulator in the form of a prefix to protect the user from hacking. And the games themselves will cost as analogs on the XBOX or Sony PlayStation.