The coolest pool in the world

Infinity London is a Compass Pools project scheduled to launch in 2020. The construction company plans to create the coolest swimming pool in the world. To implement the idea, it will be necessary to build a 55-story skyscraper. And on the roof there will be a panoramic pool.



What is the peculiarity, because in Manila (Philippines) there is already a similar attraction. In addition, in April 2019, after an earthquake, the pool on the roof of a skyscraper leaked. And thousands of tons of water spilled out, irrigating entire neighborhoods.

The coolest pool in the world

Firstly, Great Britain is a seismically safe area. The second aspect - the supporting structure of the building will be maximized. Knowing English pedantry and exactingness, builders will not make mistakes. In addition, Compass Pools is one of the three best organizations for the design and construction of pools.



The coolest pool in the world is expected to be completely transparent. That is, floating people will be visible, both from the inside of the building, and outside. At night, the design will be illuminated by spotlights.



The skyscraper itself is planned to be built in the form of a torch. Floors under the pool will give under the luxury hotel. It is possible that a shopping center and offices of British companies will appear in the building.