Sony has missed all Marvel heroes

At the bankruptcy stage in the distant 1998 year, Marvel took a desperate step and made Sony Pictures Studios an entertaining offer. Trying to patch holes in their own budget, the Marvel management suggested that the giant buy all the super-heroes for a symbolic amount of 25 million dollars.

Sony has missed all Marvel heroes

Interestingly, the list of heroes included such comic stars as Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk, and many other positive and negative heroes. However, Sony Pictures was interested in only one super-hero - Spider-Man, for whom he had to give 10 million dollars and 5% of the profit. The first three parts about the good deeds of the spiderman recouped the costs of the studio and were allowed to earn on children's toys with souvenirs. But the hero is fed up with comic book fans and Sony Pictures revenue has waned.

According to the influential publication Wall Street Journal, the studio's management in the person of Jar Landau, made a stupid mistake. After a decade, the rest of Marvel’s super heroes helped build the gigantic movie universe and earn billions of dollars. Under the leadership of Kevin Fage, Marvel alone earned 13 billion U.S. dollars at global box office. If we take into account the franchise from the sale of toys and souvenirs, the amount will increase at least one and a half times.