Pokemon Go drivers hit millions of dollars in damage

Studies conducted by American economists (John McConnell & Mara Faccio) have shown the whole world that the funny toy Pokemon Go has a flip side of the coin. Literally 148 days after the release of the game for mobile gadgets, users caused property damage worth $ 25 million in only one County of Tippekanu, Indiana.

Also, there is an assumption that the game Pokemon Go became the culprit of two deaths and many injuries sustained as a result of a clash between players and residents of the US state. If we recalculate the figures for all the United States, then the figure will multiply to 7-8 billions. The economists were silent about the global damage, expressed in monetary terms.

The calculation method is simple. Possessing data on road accidents on US roads over a decade, it is not difficult to watch episodes related to car accidents after the release of the game. Maps with pokestops helped the researchers narrow the sample - it was in the place of new Pokémon and loot that traffic accidents occurred.

It is not hard to guess that the culprits of the accidents are the users of the Pokemon Go game themselves, because according to the author’s idea, the interface is designed for walking. However, the owners of the smartphone, who decided to speed up the development process, got behind the wheel of their own cars, thereby creating a threat to others.