VPN - what is it, advantages and disadvantages

The relevance of the VPN service has increased in 2022 to such an extent that it is simply impossible to ignore this topic. Users see maximum hidden opportunities in this technology. But only a small percentage understand their risks. Let's delve into the problem to understand how effective this technology is.


What is a VPN - the main task


VPN stands for Virtual Private Network (virtual private network). It is implemented on a server (powerful computer) as a software-based virtual environment. In fact, this is a “cloud”, where the user receives the network settings of equipment located in a “convenient” place for him.

The main purpose of a VPN is the access of company employees to available resources. That is, for the people of the enterprise, where outsiders are not happy to see. A virtual private network allows you to enjoy such benefits as:


  • Access to payment systems. Wages and rates.
  • Internal documentation of the enterprise (orders and memos).
  • Service documentation (instructions, recommendations, etc.)
  • Trade turnover. Orders, prices, state of processes.


That is, a VPN, as it was originally conceived, is aimed at a group of trusted people who need access to company secrets. In practice, all enterprises in the world use a VPN connection in order to protect themselves from hacker attacks. And it works great, if a competent administrator were available.


How a VPN works - the technical part


Do you have a computer or laptop. Imagine that you gave some program some resources:


  • CPU time. This is part of the capacity of the entire system to process requests.
  • Working memory. Rather, its part is about connecting users and their operations in the system.
  • Permanent memory. Part of the drive for storing information about connected users and their data.


So the VPN server, built on the basis of some kind of computer, gives all these resources to users. And the more users connected to the VPN, the more resources should be available. Someone is already beginning to guess where everything is going. These are flowers, berries will follow.

The feature of VPN is that when connecting to it, the user agrees to the transfer of any information to the server. And this:


  • Personal data. Login, password, IP and MAC address of the network, system characteristics of the connected device.
  • transmitted data. Albeit in encrypted form, but the entire flow of information in both directions.


Haven't woken up yet?


It's good when the VPN service works exclusively within one company. Where employees actually receive and transmit information that gives them the opportunity to earn money. But the services of third-party companies are questionable.


Paid vs Free VPN – Advantages and Disadvantages


Imagine for a moment that you gave your computer to the use of unknown individuals on the network. Anyone who knows his IP address. Just like that, for free. Already stressed? So no one will let you use a free VPN server just like that. All data is filtered, decrypted and stored somewhere. And no one knows how the owner will use them.


A free VPN is a step into the unknown. Yes, there are services like Opera that bombard the user with paid ads. But again, the service has all the user data - logins, passwords, correspondence, interests. Today they are not interested in them, but tomorrow - what will happen is unknown.


Paid VPN promises anonymity and high speed. But no one guarantees that the information passing through them will not be used by anyone. Paid virtual servers work faster - that's a fact. But the protection of personal information is zero.


How to Use a VPN Service Properly


In fact, you can work with a VPN. And it is very effective, if necessary. The client is required to work with the service. It can be the classic "remote desktop connection" or a browser. The task of the user is to minimize all risks:


  • Use VPN to solve narrowly focused tasks. For one or two applications that are not available on the regular network. Yes, logins and passwords will be compromised, but this risk is justified. Here it is better to take care of several methods of identification (3D code or SMS).
  • Use secondary accounts. The so-called Fake. The loss of which will not lead to the destruction of the entire user system. Relevant for business - the sale of goods or services.


This is not to say that a paid VPN is better than a free one. It's the same in terms of security. It's just that paid VPN works faster. In general, it is better to focus on the bandwidth of the VPN network and the response time of the server. To do this, there are many resources for checking the quality of remote VPNs.

It is important to remember here that no one will ever let you use your resources to the maximum and for free. Would you give? No. So VPNs are significant financial expenses that require compensation. Not that the Teranews team is against "virtual private networks". On the contrary, we actively use VPN for work. But for myself. And those guys who offer free or paid VPNs clearly have some intentions.


So, purely for mathematics, renting an average VPN server for 100 users is about $30 per month. With an average price for a VPN connection of $3, the net income is $10 per server. With scales of 1k or 100k, income grows proportionally. And not every tenant sees this as their financial benefit. If you sell a pair of “login + password” to the side, you can triple your income per month. Are you sure you're ready to trust your life to a VPN?