Metaverse - what is it, how to get there, what is special

The Metaverse is a virtual reality where people in real time can interact with each other or with objects while in a digital image. In fact, this is a copy of the real world, which has its own laws of existence and accepts everyone.


What is the "Metaverse" - more accurate information


On the Internet, the metaverse is often compared to The Matrix. This is not true. First, being in the digital world, a person is aware of this. Plus, there is no need to place a living organism in a capsule. To understand what the metaverse is, it is better to turn to more interesting sources:

  • Feature film Ready Player One. A wonderful sci-fi movie is perfect for the perception of what the metaverse is. By the way, the film clearly shows the final result, which can lead to the active development of the digital universe. That is, there will be an owner (the owner of the digital world) and slaves (users) who are destined to survive in the real world with the help of the metaverse.
  • A series of books by Sergei Lukyanenko called "Diver". These are the "Labyrinth of Reflections", "Fake Mirrors" and "Transparent Stained Glass". A series of fantasy novels was written in 1997. But he so effectively shows us the metaverse in the form of the world "Deeptown" that the reader will immediately understand what he is talking about.
  • Series "Loading". Despite the fact that the digital world was created for dead people, whose consciousness migrated to digital, the 2 seasons of the series perfectly show the structure of the metaverse. By the way, the series clearly shows what will happen to the digital image of a person when he runs out of money. It is better to never forget about it - free service is not available everywhere.

How to get into the metaverse - a tool and a service


Officially, the metaverses are offered to us on three platforms: Roblox, Second Life and Horizon Workrooms. These are the giants of the industry, backed by billionaires from the 10 Forbes list. While in test mode, these platforms are already showing us the digital world we are aiming for. Rather, in which they want to load us.

In fact, there are hundreds of metaverses. Real life simulators like Fortnite, MMORPG or World of Warcraft provide the same experience and emotions. By the way, these small digital worlds are more interesting in terms of convenience. Since they do not apply to business projects. Rather, they work for fun. What is valued. True, they can only be of interest to fans of the games they represent.

Understood with services. These are servers where you need to register and connect your equipment. Smoothly moved to the tools. You will need a digital user profile (3D avatar), which can be created directly on the server. Either do it yourself (or order a specialist). An avatar must be created for each metaverse individually. Versatility is rare here. Each manufacturer "pulls the blanket" on itself. Perhaps this problem will settle down with time. Like the USB Type-C standard.

And to work in the digital world, you will need VR or AR glasses. The first option is a complete immersion in the metaverse. And AR glasses are an element of augmented reality that leaves behind a feeling of the real world. In addition to glasses (or helmets), gloves and clothing with tactile sensors are needed. All this has been on the market for a long time, but the price tag starts at $10 and goes up. Plus, for the convenience of walking in the digital world, you will need a special stand. It is better not to talk about its price at all. Only Gates, Zuckerberg and those guys from the Forbes Top 000 have this.


Advantages and disadvantages of the metaverse for the user


In terms of entertainment, definitely interesting. In the early stages of use You can explore the world, interact with it, communicate and have fun with friends or the same users. But the digital world is in the hands of businessmen. Therefore, the user will certainly be drawn into the world of digital trade. And here everything looks interesting for the buyer.

There is only one "but". The owner of the metaverse will collect user data. His preferences, location, wealth and so on. In general, the same thing that the Facebook network is doing now. Only with great passion. Being in the digital world, a person often forgets about total control and may inadvertently show his fetish or phobia. And it will be immediately recorded by the computer. Any secrets of the user will become the property of the business owner.

Here are a couple of examples of how people interact with the metaverse. While at the level of entertainment. But this is the stage of luring potential buyers. Over time, we will see a bunch of ads and usage restrictions. After all, this is a business. Moreover, it is very well-coordinated and well thought out for decades to come. After all, those guys from Forbes will never give their money to projects that do not make a profit.