Windows 10 makes connecting Bluetooth devices easy

The Microsoft development team began to test the new functionality of its own product - Windows 10. It is about simplifying the connection between the two devices via Bluetooth.

Windows 10 makes connecting Bluetooth devices easy

In the new assembly under the 17093 number, device owners will be able to make friends with any device with a personal or mobile device wirelessly in just one click. According to programmers, it will take 5-10 seconds to bind accessories, such as a keyboard, mouse, phone, camera and other devices.

IT industry experts claim that Microsoft was forced to take a similar step by the incorrect operation of the Surface Precision Mouse. The mouse did not pass security verification and created problems for the owners.

It is hoped that simplifying the connection will not affect computer security. Indeed, the lack of complexity increases the risks of becoming a victim of cybercriminals. The official release of the update is scheduled for the spring of 2018. So the owners of the Windows 10 operating platform do not have to wait long. Experts hope that in addition to the owner of the computer, no one else will use the simplified Bluetooth connection.