Green van: a completely different story

The beginning of 2020, for fans of Russian-language series, turned out to be wonderful. The world saw the 16-episode crime detective "The Green Van: a completely different story." Director Sergey Krutin showed his compatriots a great series. The peculiarity of the film is that it is a continuation of the picture "The Green Van", released back in 1959.

Green van: a completely different story - plot


The story begins in post-war Odessa (1946). Gangs are operating in the city, and the police need new employees. By the will of fate, the main character Vladimir Patrikeev, enters the service of the criminal wanted list. The fighter against crime is met by the former team, in which the still young Vova, fought with horse thieves and thieves of state property.

In parallel, another story is developing. Where a high-ranking official (from the MGB) plans to steal 500 kilograms of gold from the state. All roads lead to Odessa. It would seem that 2 different stories, but the main character unwittingly have to unravel complex cases and punish all the criminals.

Russian masterpiece: game of actors


Dmitry Kharatyan is a wonderful actor. In whatever picture he plays, he knows how to get used to the role everywhere. Quite famous artists starred in the series, which make the viewer believe what is happening. From the first episode, the movie is so addictive that I want to quickly find out the denouement.

I am glad that in the film the viewer immediately sees positive and negative characters. There are no secrets, and no speculation. All the heroes on one “saucer”. So look even more interesting. The viewer, along with the main characters, is looking for clues and is trying to independently build his own chain. How to convict bandits.

The New Green Van: Criticism


Fans of Russian detectives met the series "The Green Van: a completely different story" on "Hurray." Odessa, 46 years old, is perfectly displayed on the screen. The film can be safely attributed to the legendary films “Leningrad-46” and “Liquidation”. Skirmishes, love, "moles" in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and live Odessa humor. The series looks light.

Found at the film and opponents. Judging by the forums, these are often young people who managed to catch the "Midshipmen" at school age. Instead of plunging into the plot, the “fans” began to search for movie blunders in the picture. One did not like the perfectly clean main character motorcycle. Another is wiring on white PVC insulators (at that time only black insulation was used). In fact, you can find a flaw in any film. It is a pity that there are people who do not know how to dive into the plot of series. But this is being solved. With age.