Apple returns financial independence to America

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is still holding back election campaign statements. Recall that in his speech, as a candidate for the post of head of state, Trump announced the restoration of the country's economy, the return of capital.

Apple returns financial independence to America

At the end of 2017, the US Congress passed amendments to the tax code, which allow returning foreign capital to the country and continuing profitable business with minimal financial losses. After all, it was 35% taxation that caused the export of the business overseas.

According to experts, 250 billion dollars is stored on the company's foreign accounts. Apple executives are threatening to return the amount to the last cent and invest an additional $ 350 billion in the US economy over the course of 5 years. The company also announced the construction of headquarters and the recruitment of 20 thousand employees.

As for taxes, Apple will have to pay a giant tax in history - 38 billion dollars - for the entry of foreign capital. The profit of the company in the United States, subject to amendments to the tax code, is planned to tax 21%.

World financial experts doubt that Apple will make the promised return of capital, because any sane person understands that the company’s management will not agree to just give billions of dollars to 38 taxes. In any case, there will be bidding between Apple and the country's president. Therefore, it remains only to observe the events in America.