Bitcoin vs gold: what to invest in

An American entrepreneur, head of Digital Currency Group, Barry Silbert, has launched a video on the network urging investors to transfer gold reserves to bitcoin. An action with the tag #DropGold quickly leaked to social networks around the world, collecting positive and negative reviews. Bitcoin against gold is a serious statement by a reputable business representative.



In the video, the heroes demonstrate an obsession with the noble metal of mankind and offer to embrace the digital future. Pressure is on the inconvenience of storing and reselling gold reserves. And capital management is vividly demonstrated with the click of a button on the smartphone screen.

Bitcoin vs gold: take off pink glasses

The digital age obliges the user to keep up with the times. In terms of amenities - yes, there is logic. But having delved into the situation, everything looks very foggy. Russian and Indian experts in the field of economic development unanimously argue that such statements are false and everything goes to the next fooling of humanity. How can you entrust your capital to some server that is managed externally (by an individual or legal entity).


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!

With a good old saying, everything is said. And here is an example. The fall of the server of one of the European banks in 2018 led to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people suddenly became insolvent, due to lack of cash. With cue ball and gold the same. Jewelry or bank metal can always be returned and returned. And what to do with a virtual bitcoin stored somewhere on a server whose owner fell under a hacker attack or went bankrupt?

We must not forget that cryptocurrency "jumps" in price. And its investors who invest in cue ball to increase its value. And skim the cream at certain price peaks. One makes money - millions of people lose their own savings.



What about gold? Precious metals are always valuable. Moreover, the cost of gold, for five decades, has been constantly growing in value. There are jumps, but not significant. And they are connected, recently, with the fact that world powers are getting rid of American debt obligations in favor of replenishing the country's gold reserves. The action "bitcoin against gold" is a priori a money scam.



The conclusion is obvious - in no case do not buy into such provocations launched by business sharks, such as Barry Silbert. Trust the material, not the virtual world. Hold your tit in your hands and do not allow others to manipulate you in their interests.