Crunch in the joints: because of what and is it harmful

The characteristic cracking sound with passive or active movements always causes fear in people. Cracking in the joints involuntarily hints about health problems. The spine, elbows, knees, shoulders, fingers - any part of the body is dear to every person. Naturally, the idea arises to go to the doctor for an examination. But whether it is necessary to do this, and indeed, what kind of crunch it is, let us try to briefly explain the problem.


Joint Crunch: Causes


Doctors have an explanation for this, which even has a specific name - tribonucleation. This is when in liquids, with the sharp movement of two solid surfaces (located nearby) gases are formed. In the context of the limbs and parts of the body, these are bones with joint fluid.



And interestingly, there is still no confirmed scientific research describing the exact mechanism of cracking in joints. But hundreds of theories from scientists to doctors. Most smart people are inclined to think that gases form in the joints naturally. And this can not be avoided. It’s just that in one category of people the joints crunch loudly, while in others it is silent.


Is joint cracking harmful?


As often heard from relatives, friends and unfamiliar people, that in childhood, finger crunching can lead to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In particular, to osteoarthritis or arthritis. Moreover, this theory is already about 100 years old.



To debunk the myth, or to confirm the problem with the possibility of illness, an American doctor from California, Donald Anger, conducted an experiment on himself and proved that the crackle in the joints is completely harmless. For 60 years, the doctor crunched fingers of only his left hand daily. Periodically, I studied the results of a study of both hands.



As a result, the doctor wrote a dissertation on this topic, proving that joint crunching is absolutely harmless to humans. By the way, the doctor received the Shnobel Prize in 2009. They give it for all sorts of stupid things that are interesting for educational purposes, but do not bring benefits to humanity. On the other hand, we can conclude that you can crackle your fingers - it is harmless. Yes, and on the crunch in the elbows, spine and in other parts of the body, you can not pay attention. It doesn’t hurt - and good.