Dark: a science fiction television series

During the period from 2017 to 2020, on the Netflix channel, 3 seasons of the wonderful science fiction series “Darkness”, shot in Germany, were released. An entertaining plot, a game of actors and voice acting, showed that the Germans are able to make cool movies.


The series "Darkness" is a complete stuffing for fans of science fiction


The viewer will not see aliens and space wanderings on the screen. What pleases, since in recent years even lazy producers have been promoting this topic. Perhaps the seriesExpansionrevived these space battles. But the producers began to forget about time travel and parallel universes.



The plot of the series is based on time-bound families who are destined to disentangle the problem with the Apocalypse. And everything would be fine, but there are two external forces that are interested in the impeccable work of the plan they have written, working on a cycle.



The series is interesting, especially the first 2 seasons. But the final season let us down - from the first to the fourth series, you may want to turn off the TV. But we recommend that you watch until the end, as from the 5th series, the characters begin to receive answers to the events in the first two seasons of the series “Darkness”.



And the last episode of the third season may be a desire to review several times. So much valuable information and a wonderful ending - positive emotions are guaranteed to the viewer. We will not spoil - look, you will not regret it. For one-time viewing, the series "Darkness" is suitable!