How to eat apples with or without peels

Fruits that can be eaten with the skin on should not be peeled - this is what health books, media and social networks say. Especially a lot of information can be obtained about the composition of the skin of apples, which contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful substances. And there is a mirror theory that the peel is a filter that retains all the useful properties of the fruit inside. Hence the questions arise - how to eat apples with or without peel.

We are talking about fruits that are purchased in a store, supermarket or market. That is, about apples, the origin of which is unknown to us. In what conditions the fruits grew, how they were processed and harvested, what preparations were used for long-term preservation of freshness.


How to eat apples with or without peels


For starters, it's best to ask the following questions:


  • Why apples have such a beautiful natural shine.
  • Why do they not deteriorate during long-term storage in different temperature conditions.
  • Where does fat appear on the hands if you rinse apples under warm water?


It's all about the chemicals used to process apples. The fact is that the fruit of any plant is a perishable product. And apples, including. To extend the shelf life of the fruits (for transportation and sale), chemical preparations are used.

This is where the most interesting action begins. It is good if the apples are treated with safe wax or paraffin. These chemical compounds protect the apples from moisture and drying out. But there are cheaper chemicals that are many times more profitable to process fruits. It's about biphenyl. It is a carcinogen that is produced by the distillation of oil. And, by the way, the best product for protecting apples, in terms of price and quality.


How to eat purchased apples


Do not trust the sellers about "local" apples. They also lend themselves to processing with chemical compounds. Collecting tens of tons of fruit, the supplier must ensure that the apples are safely stored in their warehouse and store. Given that apples are sold year round, it's not hard to see that they are processed.


It is better to rinse apples with warm water before eating. It's okay that the peel is not washed off the fat. It will not wash off, since the composition has penetrated deep into the skin. After that, peel off the apple. This is done with a kitchen knife (in a circle) or a special device for peeling apples.

The peeled apple must be eaten immediately. Or start making a dessert or dish from it. And do not be alarmed that the pulp acquires an orange-brown hue. It is iron oxide, which is formed by the oxidation of iron in apples without a peel. On the contrary, start worrying if an hour later, after cutting the peel, the apple flesh has not changed color. This is the first sign that the fruit has been poisoned with chemicals.


In conclusion on eating apples


At the expense of the vitamins in the peel, one can argue endlessly. But for the sake of micrograms of minerals or vitamins, poisoning your body with chemistry is wrong. You need vitamins - buy them at the pharmacy. If you want to eat a delicious apple, cut off the peel.


If you want to eat apples with peel, soak them in warm water, 5-6 hours before eating. If the washed apples are wiped with a dry napkin and left in a warm room, then it will lose its freshness in a week. Without chemical protection, the fruit will continue its path laid down for it. evolution.