Macaque cubs successfully cloned in China

The cloning of Leonardo da Vinci is just around the corner, as Chinese scientists have officially announced their intentions to resurrect the inventor from the remains. It is not known how the world community will appreciate the statement of the Chinese media, but the primates are helping approach geneticists to discover China.

Macaque cubs successfully cloned in China

The end of the outgoing 2017 year was festive for Chinese genetic engineers, because scientists managed to clone the monkeys. Young macaques Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua show normal growth for primates of an appropriate age. The Chinese are not going to stop there and promise to surprise the public with new discoveries in the field of genetics in the near future.

Animal cloning is not new to China. Recently, the Celestial Empire showed the world a genetically modified Beagle dog, which was cloned by scientists. The animal was given the name Lun Lun and promised to save from loneliness by cloning the soulmate to the dog.

Success in animal cloning allows scientists to look into the future, where humanity will have a chance to treat diseases and create organs based on the gene material of a healthy organism. Officially, cloning animals, in addition to the Chinese, is hunted by Americans and Europeans who prefer to keep silent about their own achievements in the field of genetics.