Elon Musk interferes with his own business

A series of failures with the launch of electric vehicles and the enormous cost of launching carriers into space hit Tesla's pocket. The shareholders of the American corporation plan at the next meeting (in June 2018 of the year) to remove the owner from his post - chairman of the board of directors. Elon Musk interferes with his own business - this is how the holders of the stock criticize the billionaire.

Илон Маск мешает собственному бизнесуOpenly before the meeting, the holder of 12 shares Jing Zhao from Concord plans to speak. The same activist who “propelled” the owners of Apple and IBM from similar positions with similar speeches.

Elon Musk interferes with his own business

However, the Tesla council, taking into account the discontent of the holders, is in no hurry to look for candidates for the post of head. Officially, the council said that Elon Musk is the brain of the corporation, which sets the direction for the business and puts dividends in the pockets of shareholders. It is foolish to behead a chicken laying golden eggs - a verbatim statement to the media by a representative of the board of directors.

Elon Musk generally refused to comment on statements in the media, but only assured shareholders that he would increase profitability in the 3-4 quarter of the 2018 year. True, he did not specify the details.

Илон Маск мешает собственному бизнесуIt is not known how the epic will end with the displacement of a brilliant businessman from his post. But already now in social networks discussions are underway on the topic "who will win the fight for money." Indeed, according to American laws, the owners of shares have more rights and from a legal point of view, moving the Mask is not problematic. On the other hand, innovations in the head of a brilliant designer that help corporations earn millions every day.

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