Sentinel Island - the abode of an ancient civilization

Nevertheless, the European conquerors failed to colonize all the islands of the Indian Ocean. Sentinel Island is the only abode of ancient civilization where the foot of modern man has not stepped. Rather, there were attempts, but nobody succeeded in returning alive.


Sentinel Island is located in the Bay of Bengal and territorially belongs to India. The first mention of the mysterious abode of an ancient civilization appeared in the 1771 year. The English colonialists mentioned the island on which they saw the natives. But due to the fact that the power of Great Britain did not extend to the Andaman Islands, the inhabited piece of land in the ocean was not colonized.


Sentinel Island - the abode of an ancient civilization


In the age of high technology and democracy, the inhabitants of the island have a chance to survive. Studies conducted by the Indian authorities near the island, found the absence of gas and oil in a small region. So, the world powers will not have a desire to oppress ancient civilization.


Сентинельский остров – обитель древней цивилизации


And given the fact that the population of Sentinel Island does not want to communicate with guests, the chances of the natives are significantly increased. For its part, India acts as a guarantor for the islanders. The coast guard on military boats serves on the perimeter and blocks access to explorers to the island.


Throughout history, there are dozens of cases where scientists and representatives of religious communities tried to get to Sentinel Island. For all researchers, acquaintance with the inhabitants ended in failure. The natives fired helicopters from the bow, and people who landed from the boat were simply killed on the spot. According to eyewitnesses, the fishermen who conducted illegal fishing near the island and, due to a storm, landed on the shore, also died. The missionaries who decided to bring Christianity to the islanders also disappeared on the island.


Сентинельский остров – обитель древней цивилизации


Even after the strong tsunami, in 2004, the natives rejected the help of the Indian government, firing a hail of arrows at the helicopter. After this event, India said it had no plans to intervene anymore. ancient civilization. However, from time to time, the authorities drop gifts on the island - fish, sweets, vegetable and meat products. Residents accept the donation, but do not forget to send hundreds of arrows fired from bows after the helicopter.


Сентинельский остров – обитель древней цивилизации


But researchers do not give up hopes of visiting Sentinelsky island. Year after year, scientists share information about life on the island. It was found that the number of people, including children, on the island 300-400. Agriculture is completely absent. Residents are engaged in gathering plant products, hunting and fishing. Judging by the arrowheads, ancient civilization mastered the extraction of iron and owns fire.


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