Chocolate helps fight viruses

Resveratrol, a natural trace element released by plants to combat parasites, has come under the scrutiny of U.S. scientists. It turned out that natural antivirus, along with food, enters the human body and continues to fight. Cell viruses, fungi and bacteria are destroyed by resveratrol once and for all.

Chocolate helps fight viruses

After conducting research on dozens of natural plants, it turned out that the drug is highly concentrated in grapes and cocoa. Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention immediately concluded that drinking wine and eating chocolate is good.

Шоколад помогает бороться с вирусамиTo create an evidence base, resveratrol was synthesized from cocoa and grapes and "poisoned" on cells infected with vaccinia virus. The experiments demonstrated positive results confirming the antibacterial effect of the products.

Шоколад помогает бороться с вирусамиThe news was picked up by international publications, which began to prove that the French, who consume wine in liters, live longer. And chocolate lovers are less likely to become infected with viral diseases. Slowing down aging, reducing the risk of cancer, protecting CVD and the brain, and preventing obesity. Supplements called “resveratrol” appeared on store shelves, promising customers longevity and solving health problems.

Шоколад помогает бороться с вирусамиThat's just the studies of resveratrol involved notorious scientists (for example, Dr. Deepak Kumar Das) and pharmaceuticals, convicted of distorting information on drugs. In the countries of the European Union, dietary supplements have fallen under the discretion of the authorities, and hundreds of tons of manufactured products are looking for buyers in online auctions and in third world markets. Experts recommend not abusing alcohol, which destroys the liver, and also eat less chocolate, causing obesity. It is better to give yourself to sports and proper nutrition. And bacteria cannot find a place in a healthy and strong body.

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